General Booking Terms and Conditions

Platform Music & Media BV

Version January 2025


A. These general terms and conditions apply to all our services, deliveries, and offers. Deviations and/or additions are only valid if agreed upon in writing.

B. If we use one or more third parties in the execution of an agreement, we are also entitled to invoke the general terms and conditions applied by these third parties.


A. All our offers are non-binding unless explicitly and in writing agreed otherwise.

B. Quotations are valid for a maximum of 14 days from the date of issuance.

C. After accepting a quotation, we always retain the right to revoke our approval within 14 days.


A. An offer becomes a final agreement once the client has confirmed the booking orally, via email, WhatsApp, or SMS with Platform.Agency.

B. We reserve the right to refuse quotations, agreements, or bookings without stating reasons.

C. The client may not rebook an artist to third parties without our written consent. We may attach additional conditions to this consent.

D. Changes and/or additions to an established agreement are only valid if documented in writing. If a change or addition leads to extra work, an additional fee will be charged. If the amount is not agreed upon in advance, we determine it unilaterally and reasonably.

E. If the client fails to facilitate the execution or progress of an agreement, all consequences and any additional costs are entirely at the client’s expense and risk.

F. The Agent has the right to change performance times of their Artist(s) and will inform the Organizer via email.


A. All our invoices are payable immediately unless a different term is stated on the invoice.

B. For late payment, a default interest of 10% of the invoice amount is due from the due date without prior notice.

C. A fixed compensation of 10% of the invoice amount, with a minimum of €150.00, is due without prior notice.

D. Invoice disputes must be submitted by registered mail within 8 days of receiving the invoice.

E. In case of disputes, the courts of the district of our business location have jurisdiction, or the courts of the defendant’s jurisdiction, at the discretion of Platform Music & Media BV.


A. The Artist must be announced and described as per the Artist Name in Article 1 of the contract.

B. The Artist must receive ‘Top Billing’ on all artwork unless otherwise explicitly agreed by email by the Agent. The Organizer must always provide the Agent with a preview of how the ‘Billing’ will be presented.

C. Photos and biography of the Artist will be made available to the Organizer by the Agent after the signed agreement is returned and received.

D. The Organizer must refrain from making negative statements about the Artist or the Agent that could damage their reputation.

E. If the Artist is late or unable to perform due to force majeure, the Organizer must inform the public in consultation with the Agent.

F. All artwork related to the Artist, including logos, press photos, etc., must first be approved by the Agent. Failure to comply may result in a fine of €1000 per week and/or immediate cancellation of the performance, with all costs borne by the Organizer.

G. The Organizer must send at least five high-resolution photos of the Artist’s performance to the Agent within one day after the event. The Artist and Agency may use these photos for online channels, crediting the photographer if required.

H. If the Organizer produces an Aftermovie, the Artist must be included. The Organizer must send footage for approval before publication.


A. A deposit invoice remains payable in all cases of cancellation.

B. Cancellation without additional costs (except for the deposit invoice, see point 6A of the general terms and conditions.) is only possible if there is a government ban on the event. The Organizer must provide proof of this ban.

C. Failure to obtain necessary permits does not count as a government ban.

D. Cancellation by the Organizer more than 8 weeks before the event: 50% of the remaining balance must be paid.

E. Cancellation by the Organizer less than 8 weeks before the event: full remaining balance must be paid.

F: The Artist is not obligated to perform if it becomes impossible or unsafe due to circumstances such as:

  • Death, illness, or serious injury of the Artist or close relations
  • Force majeure
  • Fire
  • Riots, protests, or disturbances affecting the event location
  • Strikes, lockouts, or issues with the Artist’s tour manager
  • Government orders
  • Acts of war or terrorism
  • Lack of electricity
  • Extreme weather
  • All other circumstances beyond the control of either party.
  • Transport disruptions

All obligations of the Organizer arising from this agreement shall remain in effect in the event of a situation as referred to in Article 3.F above.

The Artist cannot be held liable for the non-fulfillment of obligations due to any of the situations referred to in Article 3.F above.

G. In addition to what is stated in Article 3.F, the Artist also has the right to cancel the performance, shorten it, or have it take place at a different location in the following situations, and this without cost:

a) The Organizer fails to pay the performance fee as stipulated in article 2.

b) if, in the Artist's judgment, the requirements regarding the equipment or its proper functioning are not or no longer met at the time of inspection or during the performance, except in the case of gross negligence by the Artist or if the proper functioning of the equipment falls under the responsibility of the Artist (see Article 6);

c) if the accommodation requirements as referred to in Article 9C are not met;

d) If any other obligation of the Organizer is not met, resulting in the performance not being able to take place as planned.

e) In the case of an exceptional career opportunity for the Artist, such as, but not limited to, a major performance and/or a globally significant event.

f) If a certain activity is incompatible with the travel schedule for execution as described in this agreement

g) If the artwork has not been approved or does not meet what is described in Article.

h) If the execution was moved to a different date or location.

H. In addition to what is mentioned in Articles 3.F and 3.G, the Artist also has the right to cancel the performance in the following situations, and this without any costs:

a) if the Organizer fails to fulfill their obligations and, despite a written notice of default, does not succeed in remedying this non-compliance within seven (7) days, or, when the remaining time until the performance is shorter than seven (7) days, within the shorter period determined by the Agency and/or the Artist, unless compliance has already become definitively impossible. In that case, no notice of default is required;

b) if the Organizer has been declared bankrupt or if a bankruptcy petition has been filed

c) if the Organizer has been granted or requested a suspension of payments

d) if a significant portion of the Organizer's goods has been seized, including, in any case, the goods necessary for the performance

e) in the case of a transfer by the Organizer

f) in the case of a guardianship concerning the Organizer's capital; if the Organizer has ceased payments to their creditors or when it can be presumed that the Organizer will no longer be able to pay their creditors.

The Artist must immediately inform the Organizer of a cancellation of the performance. A cancellation can only take place if it is justified with reasons.

All obligations of the Organizer arising from this agreement, with the exception of 3.G (e), remain in effect in the event of a situation as referred to in Article 3.G above.

A cancellation must always first be made via email, after which it must be confirmed by the Organizer by registered letter addressed to the Agent. The date of the cancellation will be considered the date of the registered letter's stamp of receipt at the post office.


A. The recording, broadcasting, or otherwise distributing or registering of the performance by any medium is neither permitted for the Organizer nor for third parties, except with the express prior written consent of the Artist. All intellectual property rights, including copyright and neighboring rights, arising from the agreed performance shall belong entirely and exclusively to the Artist.

B. The Organizer shall allow one or more crew members of the Artist to make professional photo or film recordings of the performance and the event. The person making these recordings shall have unrestricted access to the location, as long as it benefits the recordings. If the Organizer has, or later obtains, the consent of the event attendees to use photos or film recordings of these attendees, the Organizer shall include the Artist in this consent or permit the Artist to use these recordings. The Artist shall be the owner of all recordings made in relation to this article.

C. The Artist acknowledges that individuals attending the performance may have smartphones with a camera. Their presence does not result in the Organizer acting in breach of this agreement.

D. The Artist acknowledges that individuals attending the performance may have smartphones with a camera. Their presence does not result in the Organizer acting in breach of this agreement.

E. The Organizer is liable for any damage that the Artist may suffer as a result of a violation of the provisions set out in 7A and 7B above. In the event of a violation of the provisions set out in 7A and 7B, the Organizer shall pay compensation to the Artist, corresponding to the damage suffered, with a flat minimum amount of €15,000.


It is the full responsibility of the Organizer to request this rider from the Agency. If the Organizer has not received the rider, they cannot use this as an excuse for failing to provide the required facilities.

A. The Organizer must provide the Artist and, where applicable, the tour manager with food and drinks upon request, to the extent possible.

B. The Organizer will provide a stage manager for the Artist, who will accompany the Artist before and after the performance to and from the parking area/backstage/stage/...

C. The Organizer must also ensure clean sanitary facilities for the Artist, separate from the public and in close proximity to the stage.

D. All additional costs from the rider are the responsibility of the Organizer and may under no circumstances be passed on to the Agent or the Artist.

E. The Organizer must ensure, prior to signing this contract, that they have all necessary permits and approvals for the organization of the event.

F. The Organizer will bear all taxes and levies related to the Artist's performance at their own expense.

G. The Organizer provides security in the broadest sense of the word to protect the Artist and their belongings, as well as their entourage and the belongings of their entourage, before, during, and after the performance. The Organizer will be held responsible for any damage or theft of the Artist's equipment or physical harm to the Artist. The Artist is not liable for any damage of any kind caused by or during the performance, unless such damage is due to their own gross negligence or intent. The Organizer indemnifies the Artist from any costs, damages, and claims related to the event and/or performance.

H. The Organizer provides work permits and visas (and covers any additional costs incurred to obtain a visa) to legally work in the country of the venue on the day of the performance. These documents must be valid for the duration of the Artist's, tour manager's, and the Artist's crew's stay. All costs associated with the aforementioned work permits and visas are the responsibility of the Organizer and are not covered by the performance fee.


Please review the 'technical rider' for the Artist. It will be sent as a separate document to the Organizer. A signed copy of the technical rider must be returned to the Agency. This rider is an integral part of the agreement and must be strictly followed. The Organizer must provide and pay for ALL required items from this rider, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. Any changes to this rider must be approved in writing by the Agency.

It is the full responsibility of the Organizer to request this rider from the Agency. If the Organizer has not received the rider, they cannot use this as an excuse for the failure to provide the required materials.

A. The Artist must have enough space behind the DJ booth to move freely.

B. The Organizer guarantees that the equipment is of good quality. If the Artist is significantly hindered in performing their act due to inadequate equipment, or other serious defects related to the sound system, the stage, security, or other essential aspects of the performance, the Artist is entitled to terminate the performance, without the Agent being liable for any refund of any amounts paid by the Organizer. The Agent will promptly inform the Organizer, both by phone and email, of the reason for the prematurely ended or未begun performance, stating the reasons.

C. The Organizer is always ultimately responsible for complying with the sound regulations. A technical person from the Organizer must always be present, with sufficient knowledge of the applicable legislation. This person will limit and adjust the sound levels where necessary. The Artist, Agent, or entourage can never be held liable for any violations regarding this matter. If the Artist, Agent, or entourage are held responsible, the Organizer must indemnify them against third parties at all times. Any potential compensation or fines imposed on them will be promptly covered by the Organizer.

D. When the performance is intended to take place outdoors, the Organizer must ensure that the stage is properly covered, so that the Artist's stage equipment, the stage itself, and the sound and lighting systems for festivals (including but not limited to microphones, the stage monitor system, mixing consoles, instruments, wiring, etc.) remain completely dry in case of rain. The Artist has the sole right to determine, in good faith, whether this covering and grounding are suitable.


The Organizer shall indemnify, protect, and hold harmless the Artist, the Artist's managers, accountants, lawyers, and agents, and their respective contractors, employees, licensees, and representatives from and against all possible claims, demands, proceedings, damages, or costs (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees) that directly arise from the performance, including but not limited to:

  • Any loss, damage, and/or destruction of the Artist's instruments and equipment and/or those of their respective employees, contractors, or agents at the performance venue, including but not limited to damage, loss, or destruction caused by forces beyond the control of the parties
  • Damage or injury to the operators, or damage to the venue or to any facility or personal belongings at the venue, caused by fans or by anyone else present at the venue.



• The Organizer will pay for round-trip flights for the Artist, and where applicable, the tour manager, to and from an airport, as agreed upon with the Agent.
• Flights will be booked through the Agency's travel agency. The invoice for this will be sent to the Organizer and must be paid immediately.

• Flights will only be confirmed once the payment has been received. The flight price may increase if payment is delayed. The additional cost will also be paid by the Organizer.
• Flights must be booked 90 days prior to the performance date.
• "Low-cost" airlines will not be used unless this is pre-agreed with the Agent.
• Flights must always be approved and confirmed by the Agent via email.


The Organizer will arrange for a driver to provide transportation between the airport, hotel, and event. The driver must absolutely not be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

The type of vehicle to be used for transporting the Artist must be provided to the Agent 2 weeks in advance. Smoking is not allowed in the vehicle, no loud music may be played, and the driver must always comply with speed and traffic regulations.

The Artist will be met by a driver at the airport. If the Artist has to wait more than fifteen minutes for the driver, they have the right to take a taxi and will be reimbursed for the taxi costs by the Organizer. If the Artist needs to be taken to the airport after the performance and is not picked up on time, causing them to miss their flight, the Artist has the right to book a new flight and, if necessary, a hotel room, and to claim these costs from the Organizer.


The Organizer will provide a double room (per member of the Artist and, if applicable, the tour manager) in a quality hotel (minimum 4 stars), including breakfast, room service, and free Wi-Fi access. All hotel rooms must be booked with early check-in (depending on the flight arrival time) and late check-out. The hotel must always be approved and confirmed by the Agent via email.

A Food & Beverage credit of 75 EUR on the total hotel bill must also be made available. This is for each member of the Artist and, if applicable, also the tour manager. The Organizer will ensure that their credit card details are known to the hotel. Under no circumstances will credit card details be requested from the Artist at check-in.

The Organizer will provide the Agent with the itinerary, including all necessary information, 2 weeks prior to the event.


All materials provided by the Agency to the Organizer, including but not limited to the use of the Artist's name, image, and/or logo, and any other intellectual property owned or controlled by the Artist, shall only be used in connection with the promotion of the Artist's performance on the date of the engagement and remain the property of the Agency or the Artist, as applicable. The Agency has control over any use of the materials. If the Agency, in its sole discretion, believes that the use of the materials could have a negative impact on the Artist or the Artist's intellectual property rights, the Organizer, upon receiving written notice from the Agency, will make every effort to immediately stop the further distribution of the promotional materials mentioned in that notice. The Organizer will immediately destroy or return the unused materials to the requesting party at the Organizer's expense.

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